Dean: Sung-soo Hwang
Office Location: Oseok Hall 315
Contact Info: (+82) 054.260.1864

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Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Engineering* , Electrical Engineering*, Computer Science, Electronics Engineering  

The School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) guides the development of information communication technology, the core of change in 21st century society and culture, in a way that pleases God so that His will may be carried out through information communication technology development and application so the Kingdom of God will come. Furthermore, CSEE seeks to develop future leaders in the field of computer science who desire to utilize their skills in service to God and society. For this purpose, CSEE emphasizes the cultivation of Christian character, the establishment of Christian worldviews, and the social and ethical responsibilities of specialists and fosters individuals who can lead such trends in the field of information communication technology by means of formal and informal education.

The asterisk mark (*) means accredited programs by ABEEK (Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea, which is compatible to ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology, according to the Washington Accord signed in 2005 and Seoul Accord signed in 2008.


The goal of the School is to gain comprehensive understanding of information communication technology through a double major in Computer Science or IT (Information Technology: a program for globalization of computer science professionals with English lectures) and Electrical Engineering. In particular, students in the 4th year (senior year) are offered a specialized education program—in areas such as Software Development, Embedded Systems, Communication and RF/IC—in conjunction with businesses to obtain specialized, complex practical skills by focusing on practical issues.

Career Prospects

Leading corporations and businesses in the fields of electronics, computer and information communication, semiconductor, and information systems favor CSEE students , who graduate with practical experience as part of integrated majors. Also, many of the graduates move on to graduate school to further studies in computer science, electronic engineering, information communication engineering and other related areas.

(Glimpse of School of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering)

Software Factory, founded with the support of HGU’s Software Center, is an IT solution development company composed of HGU graduates and current enrolled students.
Currently, they have partnerships with several companies under the guidance of Professor Jo Sung-bae of the School of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering, and are operating four application services.