[임원단] Information Regarding Departmental Projects in the School of CSEE

2024-04-12 17:53
Hello, undergraduate students, this is Woo Seong-young, the representative of the School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE).

As the fully blossomed cherry blossoms begin to fall, a warm spring is arriving.

Six weeks have passed since the semester began, and midterms are coming. I pray that the Lord's wisdom will be with you as you prepare for your exams.

A lot has happened at school over the past six weeks. Representatives from various departments that make up the school have been formed, and thankfully, the 29th Student Council has been elected through a re-election.

I am writing this to update you on the current situation in our department.

The student fees you pay go through various things before being distributed to each department.

Because student fees involve significant amounts of money and accounting must be done carefully to avoid any errors, it takes a considerable amount of time for the fees to be transferred to the departments.

When the Student Council was not elected during the re-election, the School of CSEE decided to temporarily suspend all projects funded by student fees (office expenses, meeting expenses, midterm fighting(중파), Teacher's Day events, interdepartmental sports events, etc.) based on the decision of our representative.

After the re-election, the Student Council was elected, and we were informed that the student fees would be distributed to the departments soon, and the suspended projects in our department have resumed.

However, there will be difficulties in transferring the fees to the department during the period preparing for midterms, so we will not distribute 중파 for the 24-1 semester (this may vary by department).

For those who have paid their student fees, we plan to use the budget for the final fighting(기파) event when it is held.

Please show a lot of interest and participate in the projects run by the Department of CSEE this semester.

As I conclude this long message, I hope that not only the remaining semester but also the many days ahead of you will be filled with anticipation, excitement, and happiness.

Signed, Woo Seong-young, Representative of the School of CSEE.